kris1920 2014/08/02 15:38
Sun comes in the morning but sets sadly, Flowers
bloom but are unhappy to see you so,
Rivers flow but the there is no rhythm in their
Birds are silent and dont sing anymore, Everyone
wishes for you to recover very soon,
So that my personal universe see the first bloom,
Of the flowers and the rise of the sun,
The sweetness of the river water and the chirping
of the birds,
Get well soon my beloved for you I am alive,
Without you I become hopeless and My B.P. goes
down to five,
As much I would like to join you on the next bed,
I would rather you get well immediately and We
get together in our house bed (wink)
Kayli 2014/08/04 21:00
This is grt kris
Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.