U r sweet and unique : pari by kris1920 2014/07/29 07:22
You are a person, beautiful and
unique... express yourself, strengthen
yourself, kick yourself, wet yourself with
tears, dry yourself with confidence, be who you
are, do what you want, say how you feel, love like
its real, never let anyone suppress you, never let
anything make you believe your life isn't worth
-LILY- 2014/07/29 09:47
sweet unique nd beautiful Pari..
_RoMaNtiC_JaTT_ 2014/07/29 09:52
I love u ji no g.f
kris1920 2014/07/29 13:19
Heena15 2014/07/30 06:44
Georginia 2014/07/30 09:58
Wow! beautiful Kriss/smiley
shanu_love 2014/07/30 15:21
nice kris it means u love ur pari so much good dear frnd ur gf is so lucky
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