democracy by noblex9 2014/07/21 04:06
deocracy is the governent of the people, by the people and for the people. it's very good and the leader will be elected by the people of country.
Kayli 2014/07/21 14:21
I agree 100% with what u saying /smiley
N-BI 2014/07/23 05:24
That's democracy
MUNNA.MJ 2014/07/23 08:29
it is the policatal system
Samuel099 2014/10/14 21:45
Quote: noblex9: deocracy is the governent of the people, by the people and for the people. it's very good and the leader will be elected by the people of country.
There is a difference between difinition and quote of a person.

You have had to say According to Abraham lincoln difinition, Democracy is define as Gov't of the people, by the people, and for the people.

thanks but you omitted the person's name so 30%

TemPEST 2014/11/18 03:02
How is it big brother
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