what is wrong here @@ by kris1920 2014/07/18 13:30
A Student who got 0% Marks, was surprised because his all answers were seemingly correct!
Do you feel that he was wrongly penalised?

Q.1- In which battle did Tipu Sultan Die ?..
Ans.- In his Last Battle..

Q.2- Where was the Declaration of Independence Signed?
Ans.- At the Bottom of the Page..

Q.3- What is the Main Reason for Divorce ?..
Ans.- Marriage..

Q.4- Ganga Flows in which State ?..
Ans.- Liquid State..

Q.5- When was Mahatma Gandhi Born ?..
Ans.- On His Birthday..

Q.6- How will you Distribute 8 Mangoes among 6 People ?..
Ans.- By Preparing Mango Shake..!!

Q.7.Why Hindu Law does not permit Second Marriage...???

Indian Constitution-Article 20(2)-says,
"No man can be punished twice for same offence."😀☑
-LILY- 2014/07/18 13:51
bro .... /smiley
dellie 2014/07/18 13:56
Good one!
NAASH 2014/07/18 14:06
This topic already exit Student of the year...lol ... /smiley
NAASH 2014/07/18 14:18
Quote: -LILY-: bro .... /smiley
please support for the good topic creator of 2wap world...! I know it waste telling to the users of 2wap world. Because these type of users get more support from 2wap members...!

-LILY- 2014/07/18 14:25
what do u mean ?? who is good topic creater of 2wapworld? i support all good or bad topic creater i never thought who is good or bad ... /smiley
NAASH 2014/07/18 14:45
Please read the commence of little_mermaid in his topic NEW/topic/3319363>topic id: 3319363 and NEW/topic/3319366>topic id: 3319366 ..! She is brilliant and she have common sense*nice*
This topic is closed.
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