Kinds of Pain by Anoop8187 2014/07/17 07:48
There are two kinds of pain ........1... Pain that hurt.2...Pain that changes you ........When you aacept life , Instead of resisting it , both kinds help you .
parvez786 2014/07/17 08:17
its realy very true.
@Moon_boy@ 2014/07/17 08:30
very true /smiley
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/17 08:50
Gud true words....claps.
Boet 2014/07/17 14:12
Broken hearts can heal. But toothache.... Oh boy, that is something else /smiley
Georginia 2014/07/17 14:40
True Anoop
0_o 2014/07/17 16:38
"Life is like a picture, We develop from the negatives.."
-LILY- 2014/07/18 05:40
Vry true... laddu /smiley
Saiyah 2014/07/18 10:16
its true
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