"Democracy" by -LILY- 2014/07/16 11:14
The parthenon in Athens Greec the greeks r opten credited with formalizing the idea of democracy.
Democracy means rule of ppl. tht is of the ppl for the ppl nd by the ppl democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally either directly or through elected representatives.
democracy is pretty system of govt especily wen compared to types like dictatorships absoalte monarchies nd totalitariam regimes in a democrcy.
-LILY- 2014/07/16 11:24
Ppl hv the power to make the desiontht affect their daily lives as opposed to other governing strtegies where power is concentrated in the hands of few.
It help in solving conficts nd quarrels in better way italso alows ppl to express themselves clearly nd freely it respects & promots human rights im my view thre is no other alternative form of govt better than a damocracy.

-LILY- 2014/07/16 11:30
Democracy is based on the principle of equality all members of the state r equal in the eyes of law all enjoy equal social political nd economic rights nd state cannot discriminate among citizen on the basis of cast religon sex or property all hv equal right to choose their govt.

-LILY- 2014/07/16 11:36
the common masses may not be aware of the political issues in society this may result in ppl making the worng choices during election disadvantage of democracy is tht mobs can influence ppl citizen may vote in favor of party under the influence of the majority compelled or influence by opinion of those around a person my not use his own judgment when voting.

-LILY- 2014/07/16 11:41
However it is possible to exmine the similarities nd different among political nd economic systems nd ctegorize govts is to divide them into democracy nd authoritariam political system.

Rango 2014/07/20 19:23
Superb /smiley
Samuel099 2014/10/14 21:36
Quote: -LILY-: The parthenon in Athens Greec the greeks r opten credited with formalizing the idea of democracy.
Democracy means rule of ppl. tht is of the ppl for the ppl nd by the ppl democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally either directly or through elected representatives.
democracy is pretty system of govt especily wen compared to types like dictatorships absoalte monarchies nd totalitariam regimes in a democrcy.
You're wrong because this a person quote, so have had to say, According to Abraham lincohn Democracy is define as government of the people by the people and for the people.

But you omitted the person's.

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/01 18:59
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