CURSES by wesleyg 2014/07/15 21:10
CURSES can affect people's destinies, calling, businesses, financies, prosperity etc if the victim is guilty or break certain natural laws. So, avoid curses.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/16 08:23
jaQui 2014/07/16 13:37

Yip! Agree with you...

ladyme 2014/07/16 14:54
May we never fall victims. Ise
K_shaka 2014/07/16 15:37
i dnt believe in ur right
@Moon_boy@ 2014/07/16 22:30
i agree
Boet 2014/07/16 23:36
curses allways rebound with very high penalties to the one that does the cursing
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