LOVE IS NOT BLIND....... by Dman2010 2014/07/08 14:02
They say love is blind, I disagree. Infactuation is blind, love is all-seeing and accepting. Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes and accepting them. Love is accepting the bad habits and mannerisms, and working around them. Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities, and knowing your role is to comfort. Love is working through all the challenges and painful times. Infatuation is fragile and will shatter when life is not perfect. Love is strong and it strengthens because it is real.
ABHIRAJ 2014/07/08 15:35
Rite love is not blind.its ppl who get blind in love..-goodpost-
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/09 08:22
True -goodpost-
-LILY- 2014/07/09 08:27
wow thats nice ... well said... /smiley
SpArKo 2014/07/09 16:54
Love is equally meant to 'ignore' the negativities also in your partner. Thus termed blind.
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