I dont drink by ABHIRAJ 2014/07/03 13:30
Beggar: Give Me Food.
Man: I'll Give You Vodka.
Beggar: I Don't Drink, Give Mefood.
Man: I'll Give You Cigarettes.
Beggar: I Don't Smoke.
Man: I'll Take You To Race.
Beggar: I Don't Gamble.
Man: I'll Get You Girl Friend.
Beggar: I Love Only My Wife.
Man: I'll Give You Food, But First
You Have To Come To My House.
Begger: Why?
Man: I Want My Wife To See What
State People Get Into When They
Don't Drink, Smoke, Gamble &
Love Only Their Own Wife..!!
Kayli 2014/07/03 14:09
Oh my word -hahaha- wht a state 2 be in
saahir 2014/07/03 14:20
saahir 2014/07/03 14:22
Thanks I rely on wi-fi, not on wi-fe -haha1-
Georginia 2014/07/03 16:45
/smiley nice jokes
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/03 17:50
Hahahahahaha just can't stop laughing...
ashwinjk 2014/07/03 19:09
Ha ha thts a gud joke
-LILY- 2014/07/04 08:35
he he he nice one agin ... :-D
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