The Emptiness!!! by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/01 16:53
The emptiness of depression is incredible, you can sit for hours just stare at the wall and not notice that the time keeps passing by, you can listen to music and not react on nothing else then the words in that song it's like you're there but on another side you're not it's you in your own dark, empty world...
jaQui 2014/07/01 17:46
Its true but such a person shud get medicine 4 depression it can lead to suicidal thought
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/01 17:52
Quote: jacki: Its true but such a person shud get medicine 4 depression it can lead to suicidal thought
ya mam you are right.../smiley

ABHIRAJ 2014/07/01 21:04
Its a person who make himself like that..-goodpost-
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