**Dealing with People** by Aita 2014/06/25 10:08
A good deed is never lost ! He who sows courtesy reaps friendship... And he who plants kindness... Gathers Love ! A man's own good breeding is the Best Security against other ppl's ILL MANERS !
ABHIRAJ 2014/06/25 10:32
Superb/smileywell said
saahir 2014/06/25 14:27
Excellent. /smiley
Boet 2014/06/25 14:51
dignity and compassion goes a long way towards understanding another's motives for doing things that might be displeasing. Polish away the tarnish on the outside, and you may just find the gem waiting to be discovered
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/06/25 19:02
Well said...-up- /smiley
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