**To all members** by
Aita 2014/06/20 23:43
When u judge another ... You do not DEFINE them ... You DEFINE YOURSELF ONLY !!
NAASH 2014/06/21 03:08
Oh woooow woow...!! what a line really impressive*clap*
saahir 2014/06/21 03:54
Judgement is not so easy that see or listen someones statement and you pass your decision, but the process is required to go through all the situations and atmospher including both parties statments and witnesses with evidences.
RiC_L 2014/06/21 04:00
Yup i agree .
ABHIRAJ 2014/06/21 04:18
Well said.its true
InternetLord 2014/06/21 16:44
true,but i dont really get your point
-Marizelle- 2014/06/22 05:19
No one had the right to judge a other. None is perfect. Only God can judge us one day on Judgment day.
saahir 2016/02/01 05:34
-Marizelle-: No one had the right to judge a other. None is perfect. Only God can judge us one day on Judgment day.
Very true wrds my sis.rose.
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