*Camaras* by jaQui 2014/06/14 20:16
What do you think...
Are law enforcement cameras an
invasion of privacy?

I think so,,,
brightsquare 2014/06/14 20:23
Yes,its sort of bt we don't care as long as its 4 our gud!
jaQui 2014/06/14 20:30
Ok, i'll have to agree they are very good...
ABHIRAJ 2014/06/14 20:30
Dont agree dear..Its 4r our good..helps to solve police cases and helpfull in many other ways
jaQui 2014/06/14 21:30
Quote: ABHIRAJ: Dont agree dear..Its 4r our good..helps to solve police cases and helpfull in many other ways

yip! Ur right! I have to swollow my words.../smiley

K_shaka 2014/06/15 19:44
even fone calls.sms n even browsing is under 24hrs surveillance xo will it be NO to cctv or cameras?wht we shud understand is tht theyr there for our security purpose although in one way or the other we may term it as law enforcement bt they gives u total security whenever in the streets there.
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