*Fixed beliefs* by
Kayli 2014/06/14 10:30
Fixed beliefs ar beliefs u have about urself, other ppl and th circumstances in ur life tht have been repeated so long tht they have become entrenched. They ar highly resisted 2 change. Limiting beliefs ar beliefs tht u have specifically about urself tht cause u 2 limit what u reach for, and therefore, wht u achieve. The problem with such beliefs is that they cause us 2 close th Data window. Eg: having grownup in a hostile, abusive home, u might conclude 'Im trash' Result ? SLAM ! Goes th data window 2 any conflcting information.
jaQui 2014/06/14 15:49
Very true, agree,,,
ABHIRAJ 2014/06/14 18:13
.Exactly u r rite.agree :-|
saahir 2014/06/14 18:21
Fixed belief about our own-self may destroy our future. So we should avoid this.
Aita 2014/06/15 17:50
Very well said Kayl !
Crownstar 2014/06/16 07:52
but some tried to reach for their goals but it was'nt possible because of spritual reasons!
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