*Risky things u did* by jaQui 2014/06/11 21:00
What is the most risky thing your
have ever done?
I had to swim with my friends in a river with crocs n hipo's -str-
Eleto 2014/06/12 07:58
Putting my finger in a turning fan. it almost removed my finger.
Rohan786 2014/06/12 08:29
Killed a Mosquito /smiley
jaQui 2014/06/12 18:21
Eeprom u r d most crazy man dat i know, gosh .hehe.
saahir 2014/06/12 18:30
Pointing out others mistakes.
saahir 2014/06/12 18:35
Quote: saahir: pointing out others mistakes.

Coz one fing shows other's one and mine, three.

jaQui 2014/06/12 20:16
Quote: saahir: pointing out others mistakes.
why is that risky?

saahir 2014/06/13 06:28
Quote: jacki: why is that risky?

coz i point out sm1, only one fing goes to him/her, but three indicate to me.

brightsquare 2014/06/14 16:47
Quote: jacki: What is the most risky thing your
have ever done?
I had to swim with my friends in a river with crocs n hipo's /smiley

!To Give my broken heart to a woman!

Crownstar 2014/06/15 16:06
moving to another community when i was 4yrs young!
K_shaka 2014/06/15 17:32
the only risk things i did is when i ws this a child coz i didnt knw what i ws doing bt once i became a grown up all thing i do doesnt fall undet any risky for coz i knw what am doin only tht i pretend i dnt knw but i knw.although human is to error bt in childhood stage.
K_shaka 2014/06/15 17:36
the only risk things i did is when i ws still a child coz i didnt knw what i ws doing bt once i became a grown up all thing i do doesnt fall undet any risky,coz i knw what am doin only tht i pretend i dnt knw but i knw.although human is to error bt nt in childhood stage.but the most risky thing i did in lyf was when i told jacki i love her she blacklisted me..hahaha
____THe.bosS 2014/06/15 19:03
Slapped a sub inspector in police station...
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