~how a guy sould treat a girl~ by ViviQuin072014/06/02 14:13 1.hug her from behind.
2.grab her hand when you guys walk next to each other.
3.when standing,wrap your arms around her.
4.dont force her to do anything.
5.compliment her honestly.
6.when you hug her,hold her in your arms as long as possible.
7.say i love you and mean it.
8.comfort her when she cries.
9.love her with all your heart.
10.always call her back when she calls you.
11.when you're in a group,always introduce her as your girlfriend...not just by her name.
12.get to know about her family and friends.
13.know what she likes(and dislikes)
14.when she's having a bad day,make her feel better.
15.dont leave her hanging. Girls have a creative minds that can think of the worst possible things when you're not respondin.
16.dont insult things she likes,no matter how much you despise it.
17.girls like little things that you give her,whether it be a flower from a garden or shells from the beach. IF she says she likes something,it's best that you offer it to her before keeping it for yourself.?
~~dear boys~~
here are the invisible rules that we always get mad at you about. Follow them and u'll forever be happy.. :)
saahir2014/06/02 14:17 True guide lines to win a of a sweet girl..rose.