The bucket list by
Lelsi 2014/06/01 18:46
The bucket list means the list of the things you'd like to do , goals you'd like to achieve , dreams you want to fulfill and life experiences you wish to experience before you die.
I personally think it's a good thing to make this list, it makes you appreciate every day of your life and enjoy every single moment of your existence.
What about you, have you ever made this kind of list and have you accomplished something you put on that paper or are you still working on it? What are the things you'd like to accomplish before you expire?
NAASH 2014/06/01 18:47
EpIcInCoGnItO 2014/06/01 20:44
1. Get her back if I can. Still waiting
jaQui 2014/06/02 09:15
Nice thougt, wil try it.rose.
Rohan786 2014/06/02 11:09
I'll try it....
saahir 2014/06/02 11:18
Lelsi: The bucket list means the list of the things you'd like to do , goals you'd like to achieve , dreams you want to fulfill and life experiences you wish to experience before you die.
Only last one out of three was not in my list. Now I've added it and will try.
Mioko 2014/06/03 14:17
still thingking what in my bucket list..hehe
EpIcInCoGnItO 2014/06/04 01:31
I have been waiting since this year. We still talk but she says she cant marry me because of her mom, sad but true but this exists in India.
I gave 5 years of my life with utmost commitment.Quote:

Perhaps better than euromillions
EpIcInCoGnItO 2014/06/06 02:17
What do you do if your love is not strong enough to stand for you? 
Eeprom: why is her mum after a toyboy and you'd be shared
you should both runway to another country get married and raise chickens -egg-

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