Fact of life by
ABHIRAJ 2014/06/01 16:37
Fact of life:
Nobdy is busy in their life..
Its jst their EGO
Which makes them busy and take them
Away frm those who love them.
Kayli 2014/06/01 17:17
Yes' tht EGO,
i wonder many times why does ppl hav a EGO
PowerBOND 2014/06/01 17:48
ABHIRAJ: Fact of life:
Nobdy is busy in their life..
Its jst their EGO
Which makes them busy and take them
Away frm those who love them.
yeah..i agree dude this time...
Georginia 2014/06/01 19:58
I agree with you. I hate egocentric ppl.
Kayli 2014/06/01 20:43
Kick them
out of yur life. Nobody needs tht kind of ppl in our life
Red_Tie 2014/06/02 03:27
People with Ego,jst leave them alone to die with their own ego.
Heena15 2014/06/02 04:35
Dont like egocentric ppl
akansha 2014/06/02 05:22
Egoist jst laughing stock 4 me..-hahaha-
ViviQuin07 2014/06/02 06:33
AHa yeah thats true. .full of egotic peoples keep trying to busy ..i agree
nancyk 2014/06/03 10:33
Its true.. well said
Mioko 2014/06/03 14:15
tottaly agree..i hate ego pepz..huhu
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