>Critical Choices by
Kayli 2014/06/01 10:05
Our life demand choices. Day in and day out, sometime or something is expecting us 2 make some decision. Choosing is a fact of life that no one can escape. What we want, whr we want 2 go, are we going 2 buy this new car, or that one. Should we just live 2gether, or take th plunge an get married. Should we tell our mother wht ur uncle did 2 u whn he visited th last time. Should we try drugs or just say no' CHOICES__CHOICES__CHOICES. choices and No way 2 avoid them. If we ar honest __we knw thr have been times whn we have stepped right up and make certain choices with conviction and clarity. Like everyone else in the world, some of our choices have worked out really well, and some of our choices hav proven 2 be total wrecks.
ABHIRAJ 2014/06/01 10:16
Critical bt not difficult..mst go 4 gud and usefull choice..nyc topic..
Rohan786 2014/06/01 12:37
Choice.....it can make ur life beautiful & worst aswell
So it depends on u which why u want ur life...-goodpost- kayli
Aita 2014/06/01 13:45
Great thinking Kayl !
Lelsi 2014/06/01 15:04
It has never been easy neither it ever will be. Whatever you do you need to make decisions, big ones or little ones doesn't matter, each plays important role in your life. You can never be sure what will come out of your choices, but you gotta have guts to take chances. In case you've made a bad decision, well it's not the end of the world, move on and learn from it.
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