>Defining th Authentic self by
Kayli 2014/05/31 19:26
The only thing in th world u can change ' is urself and tht makes all th difference in th world. REMEMBER: U cannot change what u dnt acknowlege. Here is how i see it: If ur life is like that of most ppl in th world, and in fact like mine used 2 be, u may be, whether u knw it or not, smooth out of control. It may not look that way 2 other ppl, but so much for appearances. We dont care about what others want for u right now, our focus has 2 be totally on what YOU want. Thr will be plenty of time 2 balance it all later. "Like th duck tht looks so smooth and graceful as it glides across th glassy pond, you're doing okay___ at a surface level. But think what that same duck is doing below th waterline. Its kicking an reaching, in a chaotic contrast to its seemingly effortless surface appearance." SUCH IS LIFE -smile-
ABHIRAJ 2014/05/31 19:32
Awsome .ace topic..its true agree
saahir 2014/05/31 21:24
You are what u look yourself in a mirror of your own mind. Never ask about your self any one that how due look alike. They will smash your image in their jealous thoughts.
kris1920 2014/06/01 00:48
Georginia 2014/06/01 12:03
Awesome, Superb words Sis
Aita 2014/06/01 14:07
Well said Kayl. This is a great topic !!
saahir 2014/06/01 15:54
Arrogance is a bigger enemy to destroy your image. If you want prove your existance..? Be down to the earth and win the world.
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