Dolphins will never cry by saahir2014/05/30 03:51 If you hug me..
You love me..
Keep your words..
Fulfill your promises..
Don't leave me alone..
Walk with me..
Side by side..
Let me cry not..
Accompany me..
In my pleasure..
And provide me..
Your shoulder..
When I need..
In my distress..
In my grief..
You also lean down on me..
In your pleasures..
Also when you feel loneliness..
Yes.. Yes.. Yes..
Dolphins will never cry..
Quote: saahir: If you hug me..
You love me..
Keep your words..
Fulfill your promises..
Don't leave me alone..
Walk with me..
Side by side..
Let me cry not..
Accompany me..
In my pleasure..
And provide me..
Your shoulder..
When I need..
In my distress..
In my grief..
You also lean down on me..
In your pleasures..
Also when you feel loneliness..
Yes.. Yes.. Yes..
Dolphins will never cry..
very nice words bt dolphins do cry
Aita2014/05/30 21:28 Very touching words Saahir ! Keepon posting topics...