* how far * by jaQui2014/05/28 23:02 How far is far enough
I know people who use their
partners toothbrushes and I think
it's absolutely repulsive.
To each his own.
So have you or would you
ever use your partner's tooth brush? -smile-
What other personal items would
you share?
saahir2014/05/29 04:56 I don't need to use my partner's tooth brush coz use her set of teeth .lol.
Quote: Eeprom: answering honestly could get me a crossdressing tag toothbrushes na id only use my own afterall they inexpensive, but id draw the line at using pink hair bands and high heels are nice but affect my balance
K_shaka2014/06/16 05:01 wait a minute did u sey toothbrush?i cn share toothbrush with my partner bt the gygenic one.bt cn share saliva with ua frnd?did i sey saliva?ohh gosh hw stupid me.ok any other thing i cn share with my partner is footbrush,hairbrush bt nt nosebrush especial with those bleedynose nuh,nuh