Being who you are by kris1920 2014/05/28 17:27
Being who you are is all about being yourself. You
should not change for anyone and just be
yourself. You are unique and you ought to
highlight your own identity. Project your real
image in front of the world rather than projecting
your image in a fake manner. People give credit
to all those who always behave like their actual
self without being influenced by others. It is seen
that one might feel the need of changing for
someone at times. This is the time when one
forgets the necessity of being you are. You should
avoid changing yourself for others. Those who like
you would love to see you the way you are. Lets
others accept the real you. Others ought to accept
you the way you are rather than asking you opt
for a change. People dont ask you to change
until and unless you have some bad habits which
need to be eradicated. Bad habits should
certainly be nipped in the bud. In the words of
Joseph Campbell, The privilege of a lifetime is
being who you are.
Kayli 2014/05/28 17:31
Its waste of time trying 2b some1 else.
DaNGeRoUs_SwAG 2014/05/28 19:05
Well said.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2014/05/29 08:20
For all who made a mess of this topic by off topics and arguments, please stick to the topic and maintain the decorum of the forum.

I have removed the unwanted posts. Inbox me if there are furthur issues.

Georginia 2014/05/31 04:42
*clap* well said kris.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/06/29 05:35
Hmmm nice../smiley
Stacy24 2014/07/04 15:45
I love being myself around people who appreciate me /smiley
wesleyg 2014/07/10 15:32
Every man is unique. This is why man is a social being, so that we can complement one another.
Den 2014/07/19 08:36
Well said.
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