some facts about your ex by InternetLord 2014/05/20 06:36

No matter how hard you try, there's always gonna be
a particular EX whom your feelings for can never
That EX whose voice you'll forever recognise even
amidst millions of people.
That EX whose memories will never ever fade
irrepesctive of how long you've both gone your
seperate ways.
That EX who at the mere mention of his/her name
your heart beats rapidly.
That EX whose thought flashes in your mind once in
a blue moon and you can't help but smile silly.
Honestly There will always be that EX whose
thoughts will be evergreen in your heart come rain
come shine.

Love is indeed a beautiful thing
true or false?
NAASH 2014/05/21 01:15
Zaphara 2014/05/21 11:52
/smiley true!. That's what we called memories with X would'nt fade easily.
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