**Starting Today** by Aita 2014/05/19 23:32
Starting TODAY we will no longer worry about YESTERDAY. . It is in the past and the past will never change.. . Only we can change by choosing to do so. . Beginning TODAY. . We will no longer worry about TOMORROW. . Tomorrow will always be there. .waiting for us to make the MOST of it. . But we cannot make the most of tomorrow without first making the most of TODAY. .
Rohan786 2014/05/20 03:50
InternetLord 2014/05/20 06:22
gopi010 2014/05/20 07:06
well said!
Kayli 2014/05/20 09:54
Wow tjomma, great words 2 think about. And a great topic /smiley
Rohan786 2014/05/20 09:58
(good) -goodpost- /smiley
NAASH 2014/05/20 16:41
saahir 2014/05/21 12:07
Past is to take lessons for our does and undoes. Persent is a chance correct our mistakes and future is for us to perform better than past and present.
KingFISHER 2014/05/21 13:22
Past is always past and don't know tomorrow will ever come or not in my life so, i,m happy with my today but its hard to keep my happiness as it is.......................!
ABHIRAJ 2014/05/21 13:55
Rite today is more valuable to make tommorow bright..fantastic topic..
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