15 health benefits of cardomom(aka: elachi) by SONIC 2014/05/19 08:04

1.Digestion : Cardamom is related to ginger and can be used in much the same
way to counteract digestive problems. Use it to combat nausea, acidity, bloating,
gas, heartburn, loss of appetite, constipation, and much more.

2. Detoxify : This spice helps the body eliminate waste through the kidneys.

3. Halitosis : In India they chew cardamom after meals or whenever they need to
freshen their breath.

4. Diuretic : Part of the reason cardamom is such a good detoxifier is thanks to
the diuretic properties. It helps clean out the urinary tract, bladder, and
kidneys, removing waste, salt, excess water, toxins, and combating infections

5. Depression : The science behind the antidepressant qualities of cardamom
hasnt been studied yet, but Ayurvedic medicine swears by the tea as a means to
fight depression.

6. Oral Health : Apart from helping with bad breath, cardamom is used for mouth
ulcers and infections of the mouth and throat.

7. Cold and Flu : This pungent spice may help prevent and relieve cold and flu
symptoms. Its also used for bronchitis and coughs.

8. Cancer : Animal studies are showing promise that cardamom protects against,
inhibits growth, and even kills some cancers.

9. Blood Pressure : As a diuretic and fiber rich spice, cardamom significantly
lowers blood pressure.

10. Blood Clots : Cardamom prevents dangerous blood clots by preventing platelet
aggregation and the sticking to the artery walls.

11. Antioxidant : Many of the vitamins, phytonutrients, and essential oils in
cardamom act as antioxidants, cleaning up free radicals and resisting cellular

12. Pathogens : The volatile essential oils in cardamom inhibit the growth of
viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold.

13. Anti-inflammatory : Like ginger and turmeric, its relatives, cardamom has
some anti-inflammatory properties that limit pain and swelling, especially in
mucus membranes, the mouth, and throat.

14. Hiccups : Cardamom is an anti-spasmodic that can help get rid of hiccups. This
also applies to other involuntary muscle spasms, like stomach and intestinal

15. Aphrodisiac : Traditional medicine lists cardamom as a powerful aphrodisiac
that can help with erectile dysfunction and impotence

so,make it a habbit to consume 1 cardomom every day with tea or coffee...its a very tasty spice too.-thumbsup-
Rohan786 2014/05/19 08:08
wow Nice info.
NIGHT_ANGEL 2014/05/19 08:22
thanx for sharing
HandsomeDon 2014/05/19 09:10
valuable information /smiley ..
Aita 2014/05/19 09:19
Thats all true what u said. Its a wonderful spice. .
-LILY- 2014/05/19 14:41
thats a vry good post... /smiley
InternetLord 2014/05/20 06:30
Weldone prof. /smiley
Anuradha786 2014/05/20 08:42
Wow superb post
SONIC 2014/05/20 09:04
Quote: InternetLord: Weldone prof. /smiley

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