>Success is on th other side by
Kayli 2014/05/16 22:14
Everybody wants success. Some ppl aim 4 it, others jusudt talk about it. We all knw what it looks like, when some1 else has it. Often times it just seems like something 2 far out of reach. The truth is... Success is closer than yu think. Its just on the other side>> yu hav 2 WANT it enough, and be WILLING enough 2 get it. FEAR is our biggest obstacle - fear of failure, fear of th judgement of others, fear of actually succeeding. It will trip yu everytime. It will cause u 2 make decisions that may seems "Right" at th time, but they're preventing u from actually getting over that wall. SUCCESS HAS NO EXCUSES, U EITHER GET IT OR U DONT. The min u find a find a reason not 2 take another step towards success, is the moment u stop being successful.
SONIC 2014/05/17 04:22
saahir 2014/05/17 04:42
Success is always ahead. We make efforts, we get it and if we don't, never can.
Georginia 2014/05/17 13:49
Absolutely true sis.
jaQui 2014/05/17 14:34
Agree with u
Eeprom: there are many different perceptions of success and their values come into effect in different situations,some big sucessful high flyer business C.E.O maybe the IT in the city but i'll guess marooned in wilderness situations the poor person with no shoes and a loincloth who can hunt & gather is the successful one
Lelsi 2014/05/17 19:23
I think it also depends on abilities and capabilities of an individual. If you wish for too much and you know you can barely achieve it, not only that you'll fail but you'll also be disappointed. Success is something individual, and you gotta know if you're good at something- then it's worth of making effort to get it. If not, then find something you're good at and I'm sure everyone can be successful at something.
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