What does mean your dream about someone by gopi010 2014/05/15 14:26
What does it mean when you dream about someone you was'nt thinking about it?
It's this girl i use to like BUT i had a dream about her and i was'nt thinking about her so what does it mean can anybody help me. Your opinion are most welcome.
Lelsi 2014/05/15 17:08
Our dreams are always telling us something, but most people are not paying much attention to them. Maybe you still like her ,that's why you dreamt about her. If I were you I would you ask her out/smileyMaybe she likes you too but how will you know unless you try?
InternetLord 2014/05/15 18:32
You dream about something you've been thinking before you slept.
MUNNA.MJ 2014/05/16 03:54
It is true
SAGITTARIUS 2014/05/16 13:07
It looks as she is waiting for an apology from u./smiley
Zaphara 2014/05/16 16:39
You are obviously obsessed to her that's why you dreamed it her lol.
ACIDized 2014/05/16 17:36
Your brain is still awake even when you're asleep. It can retrieve any thought or memory, and we get dreams.
ACIDized 2014/05/16 17:37
Long story short.. you're still attracted to that girl.
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