Massage to staff nd all user by
Anoop8187 2014/05/15 06:00
some user show yourself that he/she become a simple chater but they do sex chat in own pm ...if we complaint to staff or admin , those staff n admin beg a prof that he / she a sex chater .......
Idiot 2014/05/15 12:05
first of all the staffs are right. if you want to accuse someone doing this or doing that you need to have some proofs. this aint your own world where you can accuse anyone anytime you like and expecting people must believe everything you said
secondly, why its bother you so much if they do sex chat in their own pm? can you read their pms? which part of their own pm is annoyed you? are you jus jealous because they never interested to have sex chat with you?
well....who knows ^o^
HandsomeDon 2014/05/15 12:55
Anoop8187: some user show yourself that he/she become a simple chater but they do sex chat in own pm ...if we complaint to staff or admin , those staff n admin beg a prof that he / she a sex chater .......
first of all site is for healthy enjoyment / sharing information/ friendship .... not a porn site... secondly user's privacy at first place, staff can't able to read user's pm except those pm which are reported by users. If you face this problem block such type of users and same report pm by reference user. staff first warned and if they continue do same then ban apply to reform such type of user .
so first block user through profile and next time report pm to staff ......
KingFISHER 2014/06/03 02:24
Block that user first then s/he will no more able to communicate with you!
Na1m 2014/06/04 17:56
saahir 2014/06/05 18:30
Idiot: first of all the staffs are right. if you want to accuse someone doing this or doing that you need to have some proofs. this aint your own world where you can accuse anyone anytime you like and expecting people must believe everything you said
secondly, why its bother you so much if they do sex chat in their own pm? can you read their pms? which part of their own pm is annoyed you? are you jus jealous because they never interested to have sex chat with you?
well....who knows ^o^
I agree with you.
megan28 2014/06/10 12:01
Idiot: first of all the staffs are right. if you want to accuse someone doing this or doing that you need to have some proofs. this aint your own world where you can accuse anyone anytime you like and expecting people must believe everything you said
secondly, why its bother you so much if they do sex chat in their own pm? can you read their pms? which part of their own pm is annoyed you? are you jus jealous because they never interested to have sex chat with you?
well....who knows ^o^
megan28 2014/06/10 12:03
Eeprom: so i guess this means were NOT shagging tonight
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/01 19:09
My friend if he or she is chatting inbox its privet if they do it in chat room then you can report to staff But how come you know that users are chatting sex chat????
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