when his promise broke :"( by
raimini 2014/05/10 15:46
. when a promise is broken ..so as ur trust to that person.its hard to put my trust back to him, :(
Infinite 2014/05/11 02:10
You're right! Trust is the hardest thing to ever gain back. It will take a lot of time and a lot of patience to really ever gain it back. You will have to show that you are willing to do almost anything there is to gain their trust back. Its going to be hard, but it is not impossible.
-LILY- 2014/05/11 10:32
yes right...
detrimentum 2014/05/11 11:29
Happens all the time. . Wedding vows included! The disappointment is great, i know, and its nearly impossible to forget it.
Kayli 2014/05/11 23:16
Trust is the base of every relation. Once is gone. Everything is gone.
izac 2014/05/13 09:18
Kayli: Trust is the base of every relation. Once is gone. Everything is gone.
Yes, true it is.
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