Unfair Punishment by CorbettRaven 2014/05/06 11:17
Today I got really really upset, I encountered an article about a father who raped her own daughter (12 years old), and was only sentenced to 12 times strokes and 16 years of jail. I personally feel this punishment is not fair. Very much not fair, considering that Brunei is enforcing Shariah Law, I hope the government would come up with better punishment for rapists and forced incests as well, such as CASTRATION. It's upsetting how they came up with stoning to death sentence to adultery, but less severe punishment for RAPE. Isn't RAPE more severe and serious than adultery? :(

Xiao Zen 2014/05/07 06:05
Could they? Yes, theoretically they could. Will they? I doubt it, just about every other country I've looked at that follows Shariah Law uses a similar system. In some there's even an option to pay a fine instead of being punished. I find that even in the secular countries, rape isn't taken as seriously as it should be ... It is a pity.
Kayli 2014/05/11 22:40
Rapist must b put in jail. And throw the key in2 the ocean /smiley they ruined young ppls live totaly /smiley
Aita 2014/05/19 09:42
Its cruel and rapist must be punish with a life sentence. That was thr choice to rape. .so punish them for thr deeds /smiley
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