Nobody bad but situations make bad by farah-khan 2014/05/06 08:59
When thing go wrong , When sadness fills ur heart , When tears flow in ur eyes always remember 3 thing.... ( 1 ) I'm with u ( 2 ) Still with u . ( 3 ) Will always b..... Some times situation make you to hate someone ....but don't hate that person Just hate that situation .....Nobody is bad situations make a person bad ..
saahir 2014/05/06 09:07
So beautifu and lovely words.
Anuradha786 2014/05/06 09:12
Beautiful lines..
farah-khan 2014/05/06 09:32
thnx all of u
InternetLord 2014/05/06 10:09
Good! /smiley
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