CorbettRaven: I believe some of you have heard, read and kept yourself updated that my country - Brunei Darussalam, has already enforced officially (though still in progress) the syariah law. I know, I acknowledge that to most people Syariah Law is all about stoning to death, or cutting your hands off, but there is more that. In fact, Brunei is the first to come up officially and to stand up on syariah law in Southeast Asia.
I read many criticism made against Brunei because of this. Personally I agree that such law shouldn't be implemented in the country - considering we have a vast majority of non Muslims living here. This law somehow segregate our unity, causing the non Muslim to feel they're neglected of their own rights...
How strictly is it going to be enforced? What I mean is, is it purely Syariah law or will it be supplemented by common law in cases not covered under Islamic law? Also Ethereal brings up an interesting point, how is the non-muslim minority reacting to the news?
I'm a bit on the fence about it all to be honest, I'll reserve judgement for when its actually implemented ...