QUIZ -Word detect by
KingFISHER 2014/04/27 19:10
[u]How To Play?
Step-01: Values of A to Z alphabet will be given in 0-9 digits. You have to memorize these given values.
* 1 = A, B;
* 2 = C, D;
* 3 = E, F;
* 4 = G, H;
* 5 = I, J, K;
*6 = L, M, N;
*7 = O, P, Q;
* 8 = R, S, T;
* 9 = U, V, W;
* 0 = X, Y, Z.
Step-02: You have to use A or B instead of 1, C or D instead of 2 and as follows 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 will be used.
Step-03: There will be given a number, you have to convert each digit of given number to alphabet following step 2 to make a meaningful word.
Example: 143 = age(replace 1 with a, 4 with g, 3 with e), 9782 = WORD, 238328 = DETECT.
Step-04: You cant change position of the digit of given number.
[u]Quiz Rules:
1. There will be 6 questions and each question will be updated during quiz time with an interval time of 5-6 minutes.
2. For each correct reply you will get 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 pluses according to your posting order.
3. Highest point gainers will get winning place.
4. Multi ID wont be allowed.
6. Any word having bad meaning must be avoided. Host may add hint where necessary.
7. You wont be disqualified for wrong ans, but if you make more than 6posts you will be disqualified.
Nothing here unchangeable. Lets enjoy quiz. Thankyou!
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