Everything success by
king diamond 2014/04/24 13:46
Learn how to train your mind at times when you're feeling down and negative.
This will help with the depth of the feeling, telling yourself that it's not as bad as its seems will ease the impact on your daily life.
Don't compare yourself to others. In human nature we naturally compare ourselves to others in looks, life style and general attitude. The key is not to compare and accept who you are accept your personality and accept your looks this will give you the power to control your own thoughts and life.
Do your best not to 'be like others'. If we try to be like others and want what they have you will never be happy thus having a bad attitude towards life, believe in what you have and make the best of your situation by staying positive and remembering that there is always one person out there that has got it a little worse then You.
Remember times in your life where you were most happy and what it was that made you happy and try to relate that to your current situation and make the most of the here and now.
Looking at the past remembering you were happy once means that it can happen.
Focus on one thing rather than many, if we try to complete two goals the chances are one goal will never be achieved and will become a chore rather than a life goal, by excepting your limit and how much you can juggle but still be excited about doing, the more likely you will achieve the goal.
Don't be so hard on yourself, you're only human! Remember, life is for living not worrying, think yourself positive tell the truth its easier to prove.
Be truthful. Lying can make a very negative impact on our lives. With it can come great regret and self loathing. Try telling the truth and you will see the weight lifted off your shoulders. You might need to deal with the consequences (which will not last forever), so why live with a burden? Just clear your mind and move forward to enjoy the rest of your life.
-LILY- 2014/04/24 16:10
thats nice...
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