Shadows of life. by Kayli 2014/04/16 20:55
Most of th shadows of this life ar caused by our standing in ou own sunshine. Life is short, art is long, opportunity fleeting, exsperience treacherous and judgement difficult. The best way 2 prepare 4 life. Is 2 begin 2 live.
ABHIRAJ 2014/04/16 21:02
Exelent words nyc kayli
ravindra11 2014/04/16 23:55
We must accept the fact said about our life in this topic.
Marlou 2014/04/17 05:12
/smiley its true dear.
ashwinjk 2014/04/17 07:51
Rohan786 2014/04/17 08:42
Arhan 2014/04/17 09:39
Its true
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