Opened The Door..... by Doncle 2014/04/16 07:39
Akpos was walking on the street and saw a beautiful Bugatti parked on the side way.
He stopped for a minute to stare and admire it.
Just then he saw a Beautiful Lady coming down the road. He quickly moved near the car and pretended it was his ride.
He kicked a bit in the front tyre and sat by the door.
He could see her staring at him, sure enough she had fallen for him already, he thought.
She started coming towards him.
He composed himself and faked a call to his mechanic while leaning on the door.
Just then, she reached and said; Excuse me!".
Akpos pretended he didn't hear her as he flew big amounts of money for spare parts.
After a minute she again said; Excuse me!".
Akpos lowered his phone and said; Just a second sweetheart, let me just make my last order.
He then continued on the phone.
As Akpos moved away from the door, at this moment he was sure she had fallen for him, he could tell from her impatience.
Then just as he moved from the door. . .

She opened her handbag, removed the car keys, opened the door, entered and drove off.
Marlou 2014/04/16 10:20
i wish Akpos learned a lesson /smiley
Hareesh 2014/04/16 16:35
Hey. . . . .
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