YoUr CrUsH by DONKEY 2014/04/13 15:36
What you want to say to your crush at this moment??..
SONIC 2014/04/13 15:46

"If my love for you is a crime, I want to be the most wanted criminal".lol.

jaQui 2014/04/13 22:10
I wana kiss ur sweet lips.....

Rohan786 2014/04/16 13:16
Quote: jacki: I wana kiss ur sweet lips.....


CorbettRaven 2014/04/20 06:06
I want to say... I never thought that I'd fall for you as hard as I do now. You got me thinking about our lives, a house and kids... /smiley YLL
nolsea 2014/04/22 12:15
The person I love so deeply nd that I cnt stop thinking about him
uonlyliveonce 2014/04/23 01:20
they only one guy i have crush on but am not tell u
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