Pope assumes responsibility for priest sex. by
Samuel099 2014/04/12 08:32
Pope Francis said Friday he took personal responsibiliy for the 'evil' of priests who raped and molested children,asking forgiveness from victims and saying the church must be even bolder in its effects to protect the young.It was the first time a pope has taken personal responsibility for the sex crimes of his priest and begged forgiveness.
detrimentum 2014/04/16 08:53
Priests freak me out. . . Its unnatural to not have sex. We were made to have sex. If you don't do whats natural you end up doing the unnatural like raping little boys.
ACIDized 2014/04/17 13:27
outlaw: That's not how it works, pope Francis. You have to die for their sins and undie 3 days later. Then you are forgiven.
It should be resurrect. Undie is underwear.
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