A loving father by RiC_L2014/04/10 08:04 I have no mom
My daddy looks tough as nails
And hard as metal.
But the truth is easy to tell
Hes sweet and loving
As mother
And can always understand me
Patient he is
And he always makes a big difference in my everyday life.
Always managing to put a smile on my face.
Even when his days aren't so good
My daddy is my hero
He is my best friend who I can always trust
And I dont have to worry about being misjudged
He is my daddy
And above everybody he is who makes me feel very happy
The truth is I love my daddy
NIGHT_ANGEL2014/04/10 08:32 yes u r right i love so much my father
jaQui2014/04/10 08:38 Ur daddy must b very proud of u too..
-LILY-2014/04/10 16:08 thats a lovly words .... (clap)
Georginia2014/04/10 16:49 Lovely lines for ur dad *clap*