*Awareness* by Aita 2014/04/06 21:15
Every human has four endowments - Self awareness...Concience..,Independent will and Creative inagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom,... The power to choose... To respons... To change... The world is not a problem... The problem is your awareness..
ABHIRAJ 2014/04/06 21:21
I agree..with u
KingFISHER 2014/04/07 01:29
Yes i,ve no doubt on your topic....
Zapata 2014/04/07 02:50
saahir 2014/04/07 04:17
Yes, itz true. Many dirty mind people miss-use these God's gifts to achieve their own currupt desires.
Georginia 2014/04/07 05:09
Amitpandey 2014/04/07 06:22
Awareness is one of the keys to success in our life. Nice & useful topic.
NAASH 2014/04/07 09:47
Ace topic/smiley
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