Srilanka has won by mrevxp 2014/04/06 16:36
India lost
HASSAN.RAZA 2014/04/08 13:31
Yes india lost and sri lanka win
SOHAIL-KHAN 2014/04/09 02:28
Hahahaha india lost /smiley -hahaha-
SOHAIL-KHAN 2014/04/09 02:29
Srilanka win tha match
SOHAIL-KHAN 2014/04/09 02:31
-dislike-India and srilanka -ckiss- /smiley
SOHAIL-KHAN 2014/04/09 02:32
Quote: mrevxp: India lost
yea india lost
india -hahaha-

OLIEVELDE 2014/04/11 10:59
Sri Lanka out-classed india in all fields.congratulations to team Sri Lanka and its supporters.
ChocolateHero 2014/07/20 17:03
Uff india lost hahahaha
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