changes in 2WAP by
SONIC 2014/04/03 14:33
suggest some new features to add in a timeline,likes,groups etc
SONIC 2014/04/03 17:39
_AraGoN_: like is karma
timeline is guestbook
yes group is a good idea
like= karma...ok.....but timeline= guestbook??.thinking.
Aita 2014/04/03 20:05
Why is it in FunZone ? Anything funny about the topic ?
jamella16 2014/04/04 15:21
Ahm maybe for them it's only a joke. And having some changes is funny for them. Or simply they dont want any changes..
Rohan786 2014/04/05 02:14
Some more games should be added.....
SONIC 2014/04/06 12:12
MaryGold: Why is it in FunZone ? Anything funny about the topic ?
ofcourse.....the funny thing is that this topic already exists and now
SONIC 2014/04/06 12:14
dont know english.???..ahh???
Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2014/04/06 13:48
SONIC: dont know english.???..ahh???
you dnt know smily code?
SONIC 2014/04/06 14:46
SONIC: dont know english.???..ahh???
i dont knw wt u mean by dat smily code
SONIC 2014/04/06 14:47
idono what u mean by that smily code
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