- Facebook "Adds" 'Dislike' ¿ by
SAFDAR 2014/04/02 10:14
Every time I go through
Facebook timelines scrolling,
reading, but I never truly tell how
I feel about each friends update I
see. Sometimes I want to yell at
computer screen and tell these
“friends†I don’t like their
pictures. But Facebook believes
the language of “likes†and
wants us to be overly positive
and restricts our ability to be
For years, Facebook users
wanted a Dislike button option
that would allow them to signal a
thumbs down on posts or
messages they don’t like. Several
Facebook community groups are
filled with people petitioning for
the Dislike button.
Facebook still doesn’t have a
Dislike button, but as a result for
this user anxieties, its has added
a few collection of stickers in its
Messenger app which includes
an image of a thumbs down.
Have you seen it already?
pricy 2014/04/02 12:06
Yeah I do see the thumb pic but mostly the thumb up
Aita 2014/04/03 09:46
I dislike FB
Samuel099 2014/04/04 05:44
I have seen that thumb
TinHeart 2014/04/05 05:11
Facebook said that adding a dislike button was many times taken into consideration but the idea was rejected because they feared it could cause abuses and conflict between users.
The only way nowdays to do that is to add a comment saying DISLIKE.
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