Charity begins at home. by
goodluckforu 2014/03/22 10:17
We're never concerned about what we speak & what we act. We speak about great values of life but when time comes to show our courage to stay on what we speak of, we become somewhat timid & ignore to follow our own spoken moral standard. The main reason in todays sharp fall in our moral outfield, this shirking nature of ours bears the main responsibilyty. It's not a very big problem. We must raise our mental horizon with a combination of raising our moral standard of our values. It will make our life an easy-going with utmost peace of mind. Let's start it with our ownself. Let's not waste our time in preaching others rather begin it practising ourselves. It may bear fruit in our effort to make this world a place worth-living. Believe in the principle of ' Charity begins at home '. Don't waste time & start acting upon the saying.
-LILY- 2014/03/22 10:22
right bro vry true.... -gdpost-
Georginia 2014/03/22 10:27
Absolutely right. Charity begins at home.
jaQui 2014/03/22 10:29
Nope! I want charity here at my 2nd home aswell. Great topic swty, keep on posting super topics!
ABHIRAJ 2014/03/22 16:34
Agree with wht u say.gud post
sofiasam 2014/03/24 14:21
But natural wht u said is correct.gud post
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