how 2 reduce d rapid hanging on ur blackberry phon by
pricy 2014/03/20 20:21
This are just some little hint on how to reduce the rapid hanging of on ur blackberry device.
1st method: on ur blackberry home screen, press down the "alt" botton plus "L" and "G" twice, ie press and hold the "alt" botton without releasing ur finger from it + "L" "G" twice ..... then it gonna take u to an option when u see some damn listed stuff, just press the blackberry botton and click on clear log then u delete it.
2nd Method: go to option>security>advanced security settings>memory cleaning ... Then u tick the enable box then u scroll down to clean, wait till it clean and u don't need to save it, so u tick it whenever u wanna clean it.
Also good to perform both method together, method 1&2 that really works, in case the hanging persist u are advice to do a hard reset by removing ur battery.
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