WORLDS 8 SUPERB SENTENCES. by aksy 2014/03/06 13:31
1. Never play with the feelingsof others because you maywin the game but the risk isthat you will surely losethe person for a life time...!!!2. The world suffers a lot. Notbecause of the violence ofbad people, But because ofthe silence of good people...!!!3. I am thankful to all thosewho said NO to me It'sbecause of them I did itmyself...!!!4. If friendship is yr weakestpoint then you are thestrongest person in theworld...!!!5.Laughing faces do notmean that there is absenceof sorrow! But it means thatthey have the ability to dealwith it...!!!6. Opportunities are likesunrises, if you wait toolong you can miss them...!!!7. When you are in the light,Everything follows you, Butwhen you enter unto thedark, Even your own shadowdoesn't follow you...!!!8. Coin always makes soundbut the currency notes arealways silent. So when yrvalue increases keep quiet...!!!--
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/03/07 06:19
Georginia 2014/03/07 12:09
Nice point aksy-thumsup-
NIGHT_ANGEL 2014/03/07 14:52
DaNGeRoUs_SwAG 2014/03/09 05:20
-Prince- 2014/03/16 04:15
W0o0W N!!!CE.
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