Wonderful people by jaQui 2014/03/04 21:41
There are amazingly
wonderful people in all
walks of life; some
familiar to us and others
not. Stretch yourself
and really get to know
people. People are in
many ways one of our
greatest treasures.rose.
jaQui 2014/03/05 06:39
Ok then,,,
brightsquare 2014/03/05 06:54
Yea,jacki.Just as u hav spoken! Wat more 2 say maybe one day da world wil cum 2 apreciate virtues nd not vices!
ABHIRAJ 2014/03/05 06:59
Very true
jaQui 2014/03/05 08:31
Quote: brightsquare: Yea,jacki.Just as u hav spoken! Wat more 2 say maybe one day da world wil cum 2 apreciate virtues nd not vices!
Yes maybe../smiley

detrimentum 2014/03/05 09:01
Quote: Eeprom: yes soo very true /smiley and its a shame that some very good peoples dont get the recognition they deserve but maybe thats thr way they prefer /smiley .....

Note: anyone wanting to show appreciation for me can donate * please send paypal to eeprom@bongobongolandmail.com

bongobongo? Are you from Australia? It sounds very Australialy. . O.o Australialy sounds wrong.

_dreamprince_ 2014/03/05 10:48
prince_of_darkness 2014/03/08 23:39
to be or not to be /smiley yes no one is a lonely island.
Hareesh 2014/03/09 05:38
Woo. . ,
jaQui 2014/03/15 01:13
Quote: prince_of_darkness: to be or not to be /smiley yes no one is a lonely island.
Great! i agree here/smiley

change.ch 2015/10/25 15:54
if we make
the effort to listen to people when we meet
them, and work to get to know them a little,
it is then easy to find something likeable in
practically anyone.

SkY2k 2015/10/25 16:10
So true/smiley
jaQui 2015/11/08 21:52
Quote: change.ch: if we make
the effort to listen to people when we meet
them, and work to get to know them a little,
it is then easy to find something likeable in
practically anyone.

yes i agree with y0u.

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