The empty pickle jar- lesson in life. by
Georginia 2014/02/27 09:13
A professor stood before his philosophy class holding a large empty pickle jar. When the class began he proceeded to fill the jar with golf ball. Den he asked the students if the jar was full, they agreed it was. So the professor took a box of pebbles n poured them in the jar, the pebbles roll in the open areas between the golf balls. He asked the student again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next pick up a box of sand n poured in the jar n ofcourse the sand filled everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. They responded in unamimous"yes". Then the professor produced a bottle of chocolate milk from under the table, he poured into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand between the sand. The student laughed. Now' said the professor, ' i want you to recognised that this jar represent ur life'. 1. The golf balls r the important things, ur family n children, ur health n ur friends. 2. The pebbles r the other things that matters........ur job, ur home, ur car. 3.The sand is everything else. The small stuff. If u put the sand first into the jar it will fill up all the space der is no room for pebbles n golfballs. The same goes for life. If u spend all ur time n energy on the small stuff you never hav room for the things that make u happy. Play with children. Go for regular check up. Enjoy dinner woth frens n families. There will be always time to clean the home. Take cr of the golfballs first, the things that really matters. Set ur priorities the rest is just sand. One student asked"wat about the chocolate milk?"The professor responded"No matter how how full ur life may seem, there's always room for chocolate'. Remember everyday is the gift n the quality of ur life is ur gift to urself.
Rohan786 2014/02/27 09:53
Awesome topic Gini -clap1-
Georginia 2014/02/27 10:48
Sorry this topic already exist before. But its a nice lessonable topic for everyone who havent read it. U can close the topic now my fren
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