How to Hide your Name in TrueCaller by Rohan786 2014/02/22 11:54
It sounds good that the TrueCaller help us to know Unknown Numbers. Do you like to show your name worldwide in front of some strangers? Absolutely No, Some peoples find your number from somewhere and use your exact name found out in TrueCaller for any illegal purposes. Even though the TrueCaller help us, It may break our privacy boundary. To secure your Privacy you can hide your name and details from TrueCaller. They won't show your name if you don't like it. Follow steps given below to hide name from TrueCaller.

1) Go to Truecaller Unlist Link:>

2) Enter your country,type in your number.

3) Solve the captcha and click enter.

4) Now your will not show in TrueCaller

KingFISHER 2014/02/22 11:59
Thank you for sharing with us.
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/22 12:37
TnX shrng
-LILY- 2014/02/22 15:40
nice rohan thanku for sharing us !
OLIEVELDE 2014/02/23 16:55
Interesting topic.
ZZT 2014/02/23 20:06
Than you bro for your info
Rohan786 2014/02/24 12:22
Thanks.,. Jones2
Rohan786 2014/02/24 12:23
Rohan786 2014/02/24 12:23
Thanks.,. -LILY-
Rohan786 2014/02/24 12:24
Thanks.,. S.ALI-RAZA
Rohan786 2014/02/24 12:24
Thanks.,. KingFISHER
ArjunPratap 2014/03/03 15:58
very good information bro.
saahir 2014/03/03 16:13
Good info /smiley Rohan786
imran_khatri99 2014/03/03 16:35
DaNGeRoUs_SwAG 2014/03/03 16:35
Great topic....
Rohan786 2014/03/04 04:33
Thanks Prince
Rohan786 2014/03/04 04:34
Thanks Imran
Rohan786 2014/03/04 04:35
Thanks SaAhIR
Rohan786 2014/03/04 04:36
Thanks _SonicGirl_
Zaphara 2014/04/03 00:57
/smiley In my country dial 133 + phone # = Unknown
-SwEeThArT- 2014/04/16 02:21
Replies: 24

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